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When surface features prevent a gas line from being installed or repaired using a trench, a trenchless gas line is normally installed. These type of gas lines are installed with pipe bursting or pipe lining, and both methods are typically used to replace or repair an existing gas line that has had some type of deterioration that has made it inoperable or dangerous. Gas lines need to be quickly repaired for safety purposes and this means that they need the fastest and the most efficient method possible. Trenchless methods represent that option, and they are normally used in a wide range of different circumstances involving gas line repairs.
The source of the problem is related to the following areas which happen naturally in the environment. The following types of pipes can deteriorate.
Service lines
Main lines
Like many types of utility lines, gas lines can deteriorate over time as the result of corrosion, weather related damage, or other types of issues. A trenchless gas line can be installed with a method like pipe bursting or pipe lining in order to replace an existing deteriorated line. Deteriorated gas lines are a major safety concern and need to usually be repaired as quickly as possible, and methods that require no digging can ensure that the line is fixed within the necessary timeframe.
To ensure the safety of contractors as well as others in the area, a trenchless gas line in Alhambra CA is often used. The existing gas line does not need to be dug up, which means that there is no chance of breaking the gas line in the wrong place or hitting the wrong utility line. Avoiding the need to dig by itself can dramatically improve the safety of the repair, but it is also safer to use a trenchless technology like pipe bursting which requires minimal disruption of the existing pipe and allows most of it to remain intact, while reinforcing the existing gas line. In other cases, a no-dig method like pipe bursting can be used with the proper safety protocols.
It’s a mistake to assume that a completely new gas line that is installed with a trench will be better than a trenchless gas line, because trenchless gas lines are as good as new and avoid the need to dig. The pipe bursting method destroys the existing gas line and installs a new one in its place, while the pipe lining method repairs the existing gas line and ensures that it is like-new. Gas pipe liners are very high quality and designed to last for several decades with the appropriate care and maintenance, and they are an excellent alternative to digging.
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